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International Arrival Guidelines For Bhutan

New International Arrival Guidelines for Bhutan | Draft COVID Protocols for Tourist Visiting Bhutan is given below – This is New International Arrival Guidelines for Tourism Operation in Bhutan. Latest tourism guidelines for operating in Bhutan after covid-19 will be uploaded here for better planning and execution. We advise you to visit this page frequently. In order to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission, we request everyone to strictly follow the basic guidelines as mentioned below:

*Physical distancing of at least 1 meter needs to be followed at all times.
*Face covers/masks usage is mandatory throughout Bhutan.
*Practice frequent hands washing with soap for at least 40-60 seconds.
*Practice Respiratory etiquettes, covering one’s mouth and nose while coughing/sneezing.
*Scan Druk trace QR code available in all the entrance of any business establishment/visit.

Requirement before arrival in Bhutan
Following documents are required and same will be collected by Heavenly Bhutan Travels in order to apply your visa and confirm your trip to Bhutan.
*Travel Insurance (should covered travel, health, medication and must cover the COVID-19 treatment and quarantine expenses)
*Certificate of COVID-19 Vaccination – (two doses vaccine certificate required)
*RT-PCR Negative Certificate (at least 72 hours prior to arrival in Bhutan)

Requirement on arrival in Bhutan
*Original Certificate of COVID-19 Vaccination (should be produced at the airport prior to boarding the flight and upon arrival in Bhutan)
*RT-PCR Negative Certificate (at least 72 hours prior to arrival in Bhutan, should be produced at the airport prior to boarding the flight and upon arrival in Bhutan)
*Must follow the airport screening procedures and tourists with signs and symptoms related to COVID-19 shall be subjected to follow Ministry of Health screening protocol. If required tourist will be isolated & quarantined immediately.
*Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) must carry your own PPE. Check with Heavenly Bhutan for more details.

Requirement during the stay in Bhutan
The travel shall be strictly limited to approved tourist sightseeing places by concern authority. Not allowed to visit the places which are not approved, Heavenly Bhutan will strictly monitor your travel and routes. Strictly follow health protocols and tourism norms in order to protect the communities.
All the tourist attractions and service providers shall be certified as “Clean and Safe” after the training and physical inspection.

Requirement prior to Departure from Bhutan
To ensure the safety of everyone and make free of coronavirus, you are required to take PCR test or rapid test at least 48 hours ahead of the departure. The test certificate will be provided by relevant agencies. The cost of the test should be borne by guests.

Requirement after Departure from Bhutan
For the next 21 days from the departure from Bhutan, you must inform Heavenly Bhutan Travels on weekly basis about your health on COVID related issues. This will help us to manage our staffs to make them safe to stay with their family and the country at large. Therefore we request you to be responsible travelers.

Clean and Safe Certification
In order to make everyone safe, all the service providers will be trained on health safety protocols and provide “Clean, Safe and Ready to Serve Clearance”  The training will be conducted jointly by Ministry of Health and the Tourism Council of Bhutan. There by we are certified as clean and safe to do the business.

Inspections and Monitoring
Since it’s very important to ensure the safety of both the tourists and public, HBT will conduct frequent monitoring and feedback will be taken. In addition to Heavenly Bhutan Travels (HBT) monitoring, other relevant agencies will also conduct monitoring and inspection on daily basis.

Fines and Penalties
Any one violating the rules and regulations & health protocol will be fined heavily and will be dealt as per the existing Tourism Rules and Regulations of Bhutan and National Rules and Regulations of Bhutan.

Tour Booking Conditions.
Bhutan Flight Cancellation Policy. Bhutan Hotels Cancellation Policy. Bhutan Tour Booking Procedure. Bhutan Tour Cancellation Policy. Bhutan Tour Payment Policy. Bhutan Trekking Tour Guide. COVID-19 Bhutan Tour Cancellation Policy. International Arrival Guidelines For Bhutan.

Know more about Bhutan.
Travel Guide Foreign Tourist. Travel Guide Indian Tourist. Travel Guide Regional Guest. Tour Operators in Bhutan. Tour Booking Conditions. Bhutan Flights. Sightseeing Places of Bhutan. Day Hikes in Bhutan. Best Places to Visit. Tourist Information Center. Wellness Tourism in Bhutan. Helicopter Ride in Bhutan. Festivals in Bhutan. Get Your Bhutan Visa. Payments to Bhutan. Foods & Restaurants. Foreign Celebrities Bhutan. OMG My Bhutan. Tourism Council of Bhutan. Medias in Bhutan. NGOs in Bhutan. His Majesty Kings of Bhutan. Bhutan Land of Happiness. Travel Checklist for Bhutan. Heavenly Bhutan Travels. Travellers Book. Outdoor Activities. Awards.

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