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Bhutan Travel Guide For Foreign Tourist

Bhutan Travel Guide for Foreign Tourists 

Bhutan Travel Guide for Foreign Tourists is complete inside guide of Bhutan for those who plan to visit Bhutan for the first time. This will not only gives you detail information on Bhutan for tourists visiting Bhutan but will guide you through the framework of the entire tourism regulations in Bhutan. Tourism in Bhutan was first opened in 1974, since then it has grown to become a major contributing factor to the Bhutanese economy creating countless employment opportunities and generating revenue for the government.

Tourist attractions in Bhutan are its exceptional natural environment, fresh and clean air, well-maintained cities and clean green cities, traditional culture and way of life coined by gross national happiness. Religious festivals, historic monuments, and happy people of Bhutan.

Tourists regulation mandates minimum spending in Bhutan or daily tariff of Bhutan, mandatory guided tours and you must required to book through license Tourism Company like (Heavenly Bhutan Travels). From the daily tariff that you pay, 35% is direct contributions to the government as a sustainable development fee (SDF). This policy has enabled Bhutan to slowly open up to the world, set up services, and regulate the flow of tourists into a landlocked kingdom where services and infrastructure were limited.

The Guiding Tourism Policy of Bhutan ‘High Value, Low Volume’ ensures to attract visitors with a deep respect for cultural values, traditions, and the natural environment. HBT understands the needs of all tourists visiting Bhutan and provides excellent programs which makes you more proud visitors than being regular tourists.

In order to maintain strong value through our exclusive tours and smooth Bhutan visa approval, the policy mandates full deposit of your tour calculated cost based on minimum set tariff  of Bhutan to approve your visa. Therefore as a responsible international traveler, HBT feels you should not accept the offers which are below minimum spending tariff. Low offer can lead to cutting down the services, the standard of hotels offered, rejection of visa and ending yourself into having many troubles. HBT strictly follow government regulations and law to ensure that you have the best holiday experience in Bhutan.

New Tourism Policy of Bhutan.

8 Things you much know before traveling to Bhutan: For more details, click on the names. 
1. Best Time to Visit Bhutan
2. Discounts for Bhutan Packages
3. Find Best Travel Company in Bhutan
4. How to Book Bhutan Tour
5. How to Book Flight Tickets to Bhutan
6. How to Find Best Holidays in Bhutan
7. Minimum Daily Package Inclusions
8. Minimum Set Bhutan Tariff

Travel Guide Foreign Tourist.
Best Time to Visit Bhutan. Discounts for Bhutan Packages. Find Best Travel Company in Bhutan. How to Book Bhutan Tour. How to Book Flight Tickets to Bhutan. How to Find Best Holidays in Bhutan. Minimum Daily Package Inclusions. Minimum Set Bhutan Tariff.

Know more about Bhutan.
Travel Guide Foreign Tourist. Travel Guide Indian Tourist. Travel Guide Regional Guest. Tour Operators in Bhutan. Tour Booking Conditions. Bhutan Flights. Sightseeing Places of Bhutan. Day Hikes in Bhutan. Best Places to Visit. Tourist Information Center. Wellness Tourism in Bhutan. Helicopter Ride in Bhutan. Festivals in Bhutan. Get Your Bhutan Visa. Payments to Bhutan. Foods & Restaurants. Foreign Celebrities Bhutan. OMG My Bhutan. Tourism Council of Bhutan. Medias in Bhutan. NGOs in Bhutan. His Majesty Kings of Bhutan. Bhutan Land of Happiness. Travel Checklist for Bhutan. Heavenly Bhutan Travels. Travellers Book. Outdoor Activities. Awards.

How to plan your holidays in Bhutan? Booking Bhutan Tour with Heavenly Bhutan.
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