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Je Khenpo – Chief Abbot

Brief Information from Je Khenpo (1-67th) The Je Khenpo “The Chief Abbot of the Central Monastic Body of Bhutan”, formerly called the Dharma Raja whose primary duty is to lead the Dratshang Lhentshog (Commission for the Monastic Affairs) of Bhutan, which oversees the Central Monastic Body, and to arbitrate on matters of doctrine, assisted by Five Lopens (learned masters). The Je Khenpo is also responsible for many religious duties across the country. Aside from the King of Bhutan, only the Je Khenpo receives saffron kabney. They are appointed to their positions and are responsible for overseeing monastic education, managing religious institutions, acting in an advisory position to the leader of the country, and conducting rituals necessary for the protection and perpetuation of the Bhutanese state. Since the First Je Khenpo, Pekar Jungne, seventy Je Khenpo have served Bhutan. The current Je Khenpo,Tulku  Jigme Chodra, has held this post since 1996.

68th Je Khenpo – His Holiness, the Je Thrizur Tenzin Dondup, was the 68th Je Khenpo of Bhutan who was the Chief Abbot of the Central Monastic Body of Bhutan from 1986 – 1990. The 68th Je Khenpo, Chabje Thrizur Tenzin Doendrup, died at the age of 95 on 08 April 2020.

69th Je Khenpo – His Holiness, the Je Gendün Rinchen was the 69th Je Khenpo of Bhutan. His Holiness was born in a small cave by the side of the path to Paro Tagtsang, so as a child he was nicknamed “Dragphugpa” (Cave Man). At a young age he showed great interest in the Buddhist religion and at seven he received novice ordination at Tashichö Dzong in Thimphu and was given the name Gendün Rinchen. He was recognized as an incarnation of Tertön Sogyal by Lama Sonam Zangpo, who was struck by the similarity between his writing and some of Lerab Lingpa’s works. In 1997, on the ninth day of the third month according to the Bhutanese calendar, he died sitting in a straight meditation posture. It is reported that his body remained sitting thus for more than a week or eleven days during which time his body remained flexible and showed no signs of decay.

70th Je Khenpo – The 70th and present Je Khenpo is Tulku Jigme Choedra. His holiness Truelku Ngawang Jigme Chhoedra was born in Lhuendrup Tsi , Kurmoed to father Rinzin Dorji and mother Kuenzang Choden in  15thof 7th month, wood sheep year (1955) with many auspicious birth signs. His holiness started narrating his previous life quite often at the age of 4 to which his parents took him to meet with his holiness Drupwang Sonam Zangpo in Bay Yul. He was then recognized as the incarnate of the Gyeshey Pema Thering and started his monastic education from a very early age. He is believed to be the reincarnation of Maitreya as well as the Mahasiddha Saraha, Hungchen Kara, Kheuchung Lotsawa, and Pema Tsering.

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