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Economy & Developments

Economy and Developments in Bhutan – Bhutan has world smallest economy however Bhutan is one of the fastest growing economy in the world. 

Hydro Power Plants of Bhutan. – Bhutan boasts a very high hydropower potential. Bhutan’s domestic demand for electricity is relatively low, but power exports to India are already an important source of revenue, Bhutan already exports a large amount of power to India. here are five major hydropower projects currently operational in Bhutan, all of which are run-of-river schemes: Tala (1,020 MW), Chhukha (336 MW), Dagacchu (126 MW), Basochhu (64 MW) and Kurichu (60 MW). The Dagachhu run-of-river scheme, which began commercial operation in 2015, is a milestone project in many ways.

Tourism Industry of Bhutan. Bhutan’s tourism sector is regarded as one of the most exclusive travel destinations in the world. Bhutan enjoys a reputation for authenticity, remoteness and a well-protected cultural heritage and natural environment. Today tourism is a vibrant business with a high potential for growth and further development. The Royal Government of Bhutan adheres strongly to a policy of ‘High Value, Low Impact’ tourism which serves the purpose of creating an image of exclusivity and high- yield for Bhutan. Tourism is the second highest revenue earner in the country.

Roads Constructions for better Development of the country.  The Department of Roads (DoR), under Ministry of Works and Human Settlement is responsible for the construction and maintenance of the road network in the country. As Bhutan is a landlocked country, road transport is the dominant mode of transportation for passengers and freight within the country and to the neighbouring states (Assam and West Bengal) of India. The Department of Roads (DoR) carries out road routine maintenance works through using national workforce dedicated for the purpose. Except for Thimphu-Phuentsholing, Paro-Thimphu and Thimphu-Wangduephodrang primary national highways, all other roads are only single lane. DoR with assistance from the Government of India and other donors is presently expanding the east–west and Samdrupjongkhar-Trashigang highways. Bypasses are also being constructed at a number of places to shorten the distance of highways. The Royal Government of Bhutan has accorded high priority to safety, reliability and efficiency of the road transport system; the existing highways are being widened to allow two vehicles (at least one heavy and one light) to cross each other, safety measures such as crash barriers and reflectors are being installed along accident prone sections of various highways, and sections of existing highways are being realigned to shorten the travel distance and also to avoid landslide prone areas. Existing highway bridges are also being strengthened and replaced with permanent steel or reinforced concrete bridges. Economy and Developments in Bhutan

Public Service Delivery in Bhutan. Government to Citizen (G2C) Office is a public service delivery initiative under the Prime Minister’s Office with the primary objective to simplify and enhance the delivery of public services. The project was started with the aim to provide the rural people with access to the public service delivery online through the Community Centres (CCs).

Economy and Developments in Bhutan. Bhutanese Economy. Development in Bhutan 

Bhutan Land of Happiness.
Agriculture and Parks in Bhutan. Bhutanese Culture & Religions. Economy & Developments. Education System in Bhutan. Government & Political System. Gross National Happiness. Healthcare Facilities in Bhutan. History of Bhutan. Je Khenpo – Chief Abbot. Judiciary System of Bhutan. Prime Ministers of Bhutan.

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