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Education System in Bhutan

Education System in Bhutan
Education has been one of the highest priorities and governments since the 1960s. Until then, education was limited to the monasteries. At great speed public schools were established, now covering widely the whole country. As per Annual Education Statistics 2018, there are 512 schools, which consist of 476 public schools including 63 central schools, and 36 private schools in school system. School visit can be organized by HBT

Primary Educations in Bhutan. 
Over the last decade, Bhutan has made significant progress to expand access to education. The Royal Government of Bhutan has been giving high priority to improving the quality of learning in primary schools.  Primary education incorporates one year of pre-primary education, which provides an opportunity for all children to prepare for the formal education programme. Nurseries and day-care centres are now being established to prepare them for school. The schooling begins with preschool (at age five) for one year, followed by five years of primary school

High School Educations in Bhutan. 
A modern educational system was introduced in Bhutan in the 1960s. Prior to that, education was provided only by monasteries. Higher education in Bhutan is one of the most recent and important additions   to the   country’s educational   system. High school education in Bhutan is a six-year cycle comprising of two years of lower secondary school, two years of middle secondary school and two years of higher secondary. Higher education trains the students to enter into degree colleges.

Royal University of Bhutan (RUB)
Until the establishment of the Royal University of Bhutan (RUB), the colleges were attached to different relevant ministry of the country and were functioning as one of the organizations under the ministry. However, with the establishment of the University in 2003, the office of the Vice Chancellor was set up in Thimphu, the capital City of Bhutan and the colleges were separated from the parent ministries and brought under the University. Universities/colleges are under the umbrella of Royal University of Bhutan. Development of university system in Bhutan is to priorities the equitable universal education for all Bhutanese and creating better job opportunities within the country.

-College of Natural Resources (CNR) in Lobesa, Punakha
-College of Science and Technology (CST) in Rinchending, Phuntsholing
-Gedu College of Business Studies (GCBS) in Gedu, Chukha
-College of Language and Culture Studies (CLCS) in Taktse, Trongsa
-Jigme Namgyel Engineering College (JNEC) in Dewathang, Samdrup Jongkhar
-Paro College of Education (PCE) in Paro
-Royal Thimphu College (RTC) in Ngabiphu, Thimphu (affiliated college)
-Norbuling Rigter College (NRC) in Paro (affiliated college)
-Samtse College of Education (SCE) in Samtse
-Sherubtse College in Kanglung (SCK) in Trashigang
-Gyalpozhing College of Information Technology (GCIT) in Gyalpozhing, Mongar

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