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Environment Protection NGOs

NGOs for Environment Protections in Bhutan

WWF BhutanWorld Wildlife Fund (WWF) is Bhutan’s oldest conservation partner engaged in wildlife and nature conservation in the country. WWF Bhutan has been supporting the royal government and people of Bhutan in a number of conservation efforts to protect and conserve Bhutan’s natural capital and the immense biological diversity. WWF Bhutan works on various environmental conservation programs including research and study, education and awareness, promotion of sustainable livelihoods, protection of terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems, and addressing human-wildlife conflict, illegal wildlife trade and climate change. Hence, the program in Bhutan focuses on both immediate as well as longer-term conservation issues. WWF Bhutan strives to ensure a progressive convergence of nature, culture and economic vibrancy to build a future in which we live in harmony with nature. More NGOs for Environment Protections in Bhutan.

Royal Society for Protection of NatureRSPN was founded as a non-profit, non-governmental environment organization in 1987 to support environment conservation in Bhutan. With the establishment of Civil Society Organization Authority (CSOA) of Bhutan, the Society is now registered under Civil Society Organization Authority as one of the Public Benefit Organizations (PBO). RSPN works on environmental education and advocacy, conservation and sustainable livelihoods, research and emerging issues like climate change, solid waste and water.

Bhutan Trust Fund for Environmental ConservationWith the guidance of His Majesty The Fourth King, Jigme Singye Wangchuck, the Bhutan Trust Fund for Environment Conservation was established in 1992. BTFEC has provided more than $ 17.5 million from its endowment to support the creation of these protected areas. The Fund is mandated to support the government, CSOs local government, private sector and public in conservation of the country’s pristine but fragile natural environment.

Bhutan Ecological SocietyBES was launched in 2010 with the aim of bringing Bhutan’s ecological issues to mainstream development discourse. The society’s main objectives are to promote entrepreneurship within the natural resources sector and to ensure sustainable use of forests and rural landscapes, to monitor long-term changes in climate and critical resources such as water and forests, to promote energy efficiency and sustainable architecture, and to promote and encourage science, environmental education and advocacy.

Clean BhutanClean Bhutan was established on 5th February 2014 under The Royal Patronage of Her Majesty, The Gyaltsuen Jetsun Pema Wangchuck, (The Queen of the Kingdom of Bhutan). The mission of Clean Bhutan is to change the mindset of every Bhutanese to be responsible citizens and practice sustainable consumption lifestyle by using available resources most efficiently. Cleaning rivers, trek routes and highways, and injecting the idea of zero waste in the communities, villages and town are the core focus areas of Clean Bhutan. Clean Bhutan will mainly focus on Thimphu and Paro to advocate through ‘Clean & Beautiful’ theme.

NGOs in Bhutan.
Environment Protection NGOs. Human & Healthcare NGOs. Important Foundations & NGOs. Women & Childcare NGOs.

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